Signature Items
Our twice baked potatoes are a perfect side dish to any meal! Each American grown and perfectly b...
Our twice baked potatoes are a perfect side dish to any meal! Each American grown and perfectly b...
Our twice baked potatoes are a perfect side dish to any meal! Each American grown and perfectly b...
Lamb loin chops are that perfect cut of meat that is tender, succulent and flavorful. At Harter H...
Our most popular cut, the leg of lamb. This premium meat works best when it is roasted, but you c...
The rack of lamb, more commonly referred to as a rib roast, is one of the most sophisticated cuts...
Our twice baked potatoes are a perfect side dish to any meal! Each American grown and perfectly b...
Our twice baked potatoes are a perfect side dish to any meal! Each American grown and perfectly b...
Our twice baked potatoes are a perfect side dish to any meal! Each American grown and perfectly b...